Quote of the Day – Help from Above

Expect Help. A Divine power more magnificent than anything else that exists on the planet is ready to support our every move. – Cheryl Richardson

Trust that the powers above will eventually give you help to make your desires a reality through the people, situations, and experiences you encounter.

I have experienced in my own life both the doubt of not believing that help would arrive and later the success of consistently receiving help from unseen sources. I know both sides of the equation. I am happy to tell you that if you learn to think the right way and apply action when necessary, help will arrive to make your dreams a reality.

Thoughts are things that create your future so make yours positive and powerful!

Make today a great day!

Joe Rapisarda

Author of Awaken Your Power / Speaker / Empowerment Life Coach


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Twitter @JoeRapisarda

The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) – Summarized

“Everything abides by the law of cause and effect” – Open Your Mind, Open Your Life

The law of cause and effect, also known as Karma, says the energy you give out through your thoughts, words, and actions will ultimately come back to you in one form another. This is because, at the most basic level, everything is made up of the same connected energy. Although we are individual beings, we are still connected to this universal source of energy. So whatever we do to someone else, we are ultimately doing to ourselves.

This universal energy, that makes up everything in our existence, moves in a circular nature, which means that it returns back to itself. This what the saying, “What goes around comes around” means. Whatever you give others you will eventually get back yourself. It’s like a karmic boomerang. So, as you can see, it is in your own best interest to be loving, honest, and compassionate to others because your actions in that moment (and every moment) are creating your future.

The law of cause and effect is just one of the universal laws that teach us how to manage our own energy to be happier, healthier, more successful, and able to attract any future we desire.

Do you have any good stories of Karma? If so, please share them with a comment.

Learn more at www.JoeRapisarda.com

Joe Rapisarda

Author of Awaken Your Power.

The Price of Wisdom

In this story, a man on his journey up the mountain came across Jesus and Buddha sitting down together.  The man was so inspired that he chose to ask them a question.

“How can I become wise and enlightened?” Asked the man.

Jesus and Buddha looked at each other and replied together, “Good Judgment.”

The man then asked, “How do I get good judgment?”

Jesus and Buddha then smiled and replied together, “Poor Judgment.”

I love this story because it shows us that our challenges and mistakes in life are a very important part of our growing experience.  When we experience a hardship or a mistake in life we have an opportunity to overcome that situation and to learn from it.  A perfect life with no mistakes is a life with no growth.  So the next time you face a challenge or have to overcome a mistake, see it as an opportunity for self improvement. We are all learning as we go. Some of us are learning more than others. The trick in life is not to make the same mistake twice.

What do you think of this post? Feel free to comment.

Positive thoughts for a positive life,

Joe Rapisarda

Author of Awaken Your Power



Twitter: @JoeRapisarda

How to Stay Happy in Any Situation – The Law of Relativity

Did you know that regardless of what happens to you, you are the one who decides how you feel in any given moment?

You are the one who is responsible for your own happiness.

How you react to whatever happens to you determines how any event will affect your life.

If someone cuts in front on you in line at a fast food restaurant you have a choice in how to react.  You can ignore it and let it pass, or you can confront that person.

If you ignore them, then you are not letting their actions affect how you feel and therefore maintaining control over how you feel.

If you choose to confront them you might get in a verbal or physical fight which will more than likely upset you for the remainder of the day. Is that really how you want your day to go?

Many people make the mistake of thinking it was the other person’s actions that made them react, when in reality we are the ones who chose exactly how to react.

This principle applies to all aspects of life. This simple realization that your thoughts and actions affect how you ultimately feel.  Once you start taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions you will find that you will become happier in all parts of your life.

The bottom line: Regardless of what happens to you. You are always in control of how you feel. If you don’t like how you feel, then change how you think to change how you feel.

What I am explaining here is the law of relativity which is one of the universal laws-nature’s rules for life- listed in Awaken Your Power! 

Click the link to purchase Awaken Your Power.

Learn more at www.JoeRapisarda.com

Joe Rapisarda

Like my page at www.FB.com/AwakenYourPower!


The Season for Giving – The Law of Compensation

The law of compensation is one of the universal laws–which are nature’s rules for life. When we learn to master these laws we can influence energy to attract life experiences that match our desires.

The law of compensation states that whatever we give to others will eventually come back to us.

This is because, at the most basic level, everything is energy, and this energy travels in a circular nature. This means that the energy you give out will come back to you in one form or another.  So it is wise to give whatever you want to receive.  If you want money then share some of it with others. If you want love then give it.  If you want attention then give it. Whatever you want, give it and you will attract it into your life. It’s nice to give just to see someone else befit from your actions, but it’s also an added benefit knowing you are building up good Karma and attraction back into your life whatever you are giving. So enjoy giving this holiday season.

Happy Holidays
Joe Rapisarda


The Universal Laws

1.  The Law of Oneness.  Everything in our existence is made up of vibrating energy.

2.  The Law of Vibration.  Each thing in life has its own unique vibrational frequency.

3.  The Law of Attraction.  Energy attracts like-type energy. Positive energy attracts more positive energy.  Negative Energy attracts more negative energy.

4.  The Law of Action.  When opportunities arise action is often needed to help desires manifest.

5.  The Law of Cause and Effect.  Energy is circular; whatever thoughts, words and actions you choose for yourself and others will eventually come back to you to create your future reality.

6.  The Law of Compensation.  Whatever type of energy you give out, through your thoughts, words, and actions, comes back to you ten times stronger.

7.  The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.  Positive energy will always transmute (transform) negative energy into positive energy or the negative energy will be forced away.

8.  The Law of Relativity.  Your reality of anything depends on your point of view.

9.  The Law of Polarity.  Everything has two poles or opposites.  There are many points of reference along the continuum from one polar opposite to the other.  These points are instrumental in making small manageable changes to move from one place or emotion to another.

10. The Law of Rhythm.  Everything has its own rhythm or cycle.  Rhythm is needed to keep and restore balance.

11. The Law of Gender.  Everything has an opposite.  The opposites are needed so that either side can be truly known and appreciated.

12. The Law of Correspondence.  Because everything is connected, all of the laws correspond to each other.